Written Rejuvenation

So in case you were wondering why the sudden bounty of blogs, I accepted a dreadful challenge from my home girl Veronica Hilbring to write 30 blogs in 30 days. Type in #30in30 on twitter and you will see that its a whole heap of us doing it or at least trying our very best to. Mine should be called "Two a days" because I stay missing a day and having to double up on the next day, but still I rise.

Blog topics are not really a problem for me... yet. It is the fact that I have to write every single day. It's like a job, a job that I no longer have and quite honestly, a job that I no longer want. I already have a full time job as a mother so sneaking out of the bedroom at night to write to you guys is truly a task. But none the less, I am thankful for the written rejuvenation. Until tomorrow snitches.


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