
Showing posts from February 10, 2008

It's time to fess up

There comes a time when the things that you thought were good ideas are not such a great ideas and the ideas of others (which you so eagerly blew off), sounds real good right now. It is during that time that you should be a man about the situation (even if you are a woman) and fess up! My situation is... well some may consider it to be sickening. I have done less in the last two months than I have my whole entire life. Believe it or not people, I'm a bum. And it's not the fact that I am a bum that bothers me, it is that there were so many good suggestion and options that I could have taken that I was too stubborn to take and I'm fessin' up just for the sake of honesty because I believe in being true to thyself, i.e. William Shakespeare: To thine own self be true.  How many of you recent college graduates don't have a job? Many, few... all?! Well I have tmobile fav five and 3 of my talented fav five friends who have recently graduated from college don't have a jo...

Introduction of a Lifetime

Well Hello beautiful people, This is a honor to be coming to you in my introduction of a lifetime into the blogosphere. Let me forewarn you all of my (what will soon to become) late night blogging as I do my best thinking in the wee hours. I guess specifics would be in order about now huh?  I am aerialm. Sister to four, bestfriend to three, daughter to two and loved by many. Haha that totally went out of sequence right? Well expect the unexpected with me beautiful people because I'm a hoot to myself and my bestfriend at times so I welcome you to laugh and cry with me (sometimes I laugh myself to tears), as I introduce you into my life and it'll be grand, because I said so!