It's time to fess up
There comes a time when the things that you thought were good ideas are not such a great ideas and the ideas of others (which you so eagerly blew off), sounds real good right now. It is during that time that you should be a man about the situation (even if you are a woman) and fess up! My situation is... well some may consider it to be sickening. I have done less in the last two months than I have my whole entire life. Believe it or not people, I'm a bum. And it's not the fact that I am a bum that bothers me, it is that there were so many good suggestion and options that I could have taken that I was too stubborn to take and I'm fessin' up just for the sake of honesty because I believe in being true to thyself, i.e. William Shakespeare: To thine own self be true. How many of you recent college graduates don't have a job? Many, few... all?! Well I have tmobile fav five and 3 of my talented fav five friends who have recently graduated from college don't have a jo...