Retail Weirdness vol.5: Spongebob Syndrome
Why do women always try to keep each other down? We need powerful women in the workplace, especially powerful Black women. So why can't we get past our ignorance and hated to see the greater good? Why do we keep women in power down, only to turn and complain to corporate about there not being enough people that look like us in management. We had a meeting at my job Sunday. I did not attend. So in my absence there were many side remarks about me playing manager, as they call it. When I first heard this, it didn't bother me because to the naive eye that's what it may seem to be, but when I heard the gossip from multiple people it started to upset me because why would you hate on someone trying to better themselves? I am in a position of authority at my job and just because I have been there one year and is already more important than you, who has been there for seven years standing on a worn down floor mat, angrily pounding on a cash register. It just ruins me how we can'...