
Showing posts from October 21, 2012

Late night locking

My daughter has beautiful hair. Not all negro like mine thanks to her Daddy and his multicultural heritage. Not that there is anything wrong with all negro hair but for the sake of my fingertips, I am happy to comb her hair everyday with ease. As she is getting older I am in search for age suitable hair styles. In my search these past few late night hours, I have somehow managed to find more information for my natural hair than hers. Shaking my selfish head. So on that note, I think I am going to try a few natural hair care products for my already natural hair. I have been perm free since senior year of college but I not the no heat natural chick, although I adore (most) of them. I am a girl (as you may have been able to tell from the background photo) but I am not the girly girl who does her own hair. I don't even know how to perform such a thing, so this project is going to be both entertaining, enlightening and educational. I go get my hair straightened once a month but I ha...

Unreciprocated love

One of my "friends" asked me if he should stop loving me because I told him that I didn't love him. I responded "that's your choice." And I wasn't trying to be an ass, I was being as real as I could possibly be. I can't tell you who to love. I can't even tell you not to love me. Your heart is going to do whatever it feels. Sorry if my heart doesn't feel the same way but since love is a two way street, maybe you need to put your locomotive in drive because this spot is reserved and your name is not on the pavement.

Not what my Momma named me

The highest form of disrespect is when a person who has been in your life for more than enough time to get your name right, still says and/or spells your name incorrectly. To me that is a slap in the face. It is like saying "Hey whats her face come scrub my ass or pick the gum from my shoe since your so far beneath me." I HATE when people say my name wrong which is why I named my child a simple name. I wanted it to be more simple than that: Amy, Bo, Q. Something short that people shouldn't mess up but probably would. Something simple so she would not have to go through the constant correction that I went through all of my life and still today. There is this one woman in my life who consistently ruins the spelling and pronunciation of my name. Although I correct her every time, she still does it. Oh how I hate when people... I just hate people.