
Showing posts from May 30, 2010

What is it with men and passwords?

Truth. If you give a girl the password to your computer, your phone, your safe, your facebook... definitely your facebook; you better believe she's going to write that thang down (literally, mentally, in smoke signals) so she can check into it later. Misconception. Just because we have the password does not mean we will use this information against you. If we have no reason to snoop, then we won't. Well maybe I shouldn't include myself in this conversation because I, at some point in time, snoop around but not your typical snoop and probably not where you think I should snoop. But if you have a good relationship with this girl, you trust her and trust that she wouldn't use this information to harm you, then why not give it to her... just this once? A friend of mine emailed me. His email address appeared after the name of his ex girlfriend. I was taken aback. Stuck in a confused daze until he called. I don't even think I said hello. I said "why is Zerica's n...


I hate the n-word. There is no anger greater than me witnessing an adult argue me down about how n-i-g-g-a is different from n-i-g-g-e-r. Don't waste your breath idiot. I hate the n-word. And to you, that can be any word that starts with the letter n. I inform everyone I meet, as soon as they say the word, that I don't like it and would prefer if they didn't use it when talking to, about and around me. 99% of them oblige but you know there is always a 1% somewhere that can't or won't do right. I bring this back up (I've spoke on this subject before: WORD OF THE DAY ) because everyone around me loves The Boondocks and until one day last week, I had never watched a full episode because I can't tolerate their excessive use of the n-word. I know, I know... that's the point of the show... a social satire of American culture and race relations but I don't care about any of that. I know how hearing the word makes me feel so I do not subject myself to ill fe...

Fairy Tales

Don't you hate when you play a scenario in your mind and it never goes the way you planned it? You thought you knew where you stood but reality is you don't because he was able to shift your stance. An ex boyfriend did this to me just a minute ago. I thought I was sick of his misleading, flirting with me and all the others girls we went to school with. Even though we don't have much of a relationship now, we had spoke of maybe doing something in a couple of years when he comes back from playing overseas. Then I got caught up in some nonsense and I dismissed him in my mind. I didn't call, didn't text, didn't think of him. Until he called me. He spit his game and now I'm back to square one. Big bad wolf until the hunter came. I'm always living in a fairy tale. Now I'm little red riding hood... again.

Operation Swimsuit update

Man eating better, exercising and still living a busy life is wearing me thin. No wonder why I ate what I ate and drank what I drank... it kept me moving. But I am doing very well with Operation Swimsuit if you were concerned. I have still been eating well and working out everyday... well except for that one day after I was swinging on the pole. That is a workout in itself and my arms were too tight to work let alone workout. Anywho check the visuals... I'm proud of myself.