
Showing posts from May 29, 2022

What's in a Name?

By a show of hands, how many of y'all were nicknamed Junebug?  Ok, how about the ones who changed their name to Unicorn Princess at age eight and wouldn't answer until it was delivered with a bow or curtsey?  Everybody at some point in their lives had a nickname, preferred name, or dare I introduce a stage name. All, of course, in addition to the name that your Mother and Father gave you. So why is it a problem when we call someone by their "government name," and how do we maneuver in that awkward space if I refuse to call you "Chocolate Droppa," per Kevin Hart's playful alter ego? Let's talk about it?  What's in a name?  Letters, syllables, family history? Should we feel a way if someone wants to call us by the name on our birth certificate instead of the name we prefer to be called? You sure don't hear the Judge calling out for the bailiff to bring in Young Thug and Gunna because they damn names are Jeffery and Sergio and I double dog dare ...