The Lost Files: Never Settle
"If you can't have what you want, start wanting what you have." That's a nice quote isn't it? Uplifting, reassuring? Well I don't completely agree with it. How about "Never settle for less than you deserve." Yeah I like that one a lot better primarily because this is your life and you should live it to the fullest. Never compromise. I think that a lot of us are doomed from the beginning. If you're smart, you're a nerd. If you're dumb just pick up a basketball and snag us a scholarship. What we fail to tell our children is "that is not all you're good at." One thing about shooting hoops to earn a scholarship is... (taps the glass ceiling) you might want to work on being a scholar as well. Most children will ditch classes to go to the gym and practice their jump shot. Stop leading these kids on, thinking they can substitute a ball for a book. Oh and don't be so quick to pull out your camera phone when lil R...