This too shall past... or will it?
People will just say any old thing to you... but only if you let them. Can you believe when I was in job training a middle aged white man told me to tell my trainer to stop "slave running" because she had us working constantly because like I said in an older post, we had an unusually compacted training. Now of course I didn't tell her that being (1) I didn't think she was being too hard on us (2) It took me a while to figure out what he really meant and if he said it because i was one of the three black trainees And (3) the most important... it was unnecessarily racist and made me a little uncomfortable. Well funny be it that he came in our training room shortly after just to ask the trainer if I told her what he said. Now I'm usually not one to immediately pull out my racist ruler but at the same time, I am very pro black and he may have just earned an inch or two and pissed me off. This wave of heat just took over me and made me very upset which made the trai...