Text Message 101

Okay class, lets get straight to it. This is Text Message 101 so take out your mobile devices and listen carefully. Rule #1: Keep it light, keep it simple. If you're writing a book, write it! Don't be sending me a broken up seven message story. It's freaking rude first of all and secondly it defeats the purpose of a text message. Merriam-Webster defines a text message as: " a short message sent electronically usually from one cell phone to another." Key word kids: SHORT. #2: Do not use texting for messages that can be misinterpreted. If you get all serious after they have made a joke, don't get mad when they respond with an "LOL," how did they know you switched it up and got touched? Don't text sarcastically or emotionally, the reader will never be able to identify which is which. The emoticon can not replace emotion, your voice is still the key. #3: If you have a new phone number, identify yourself! Start the message with "Hi thi...