The Magical Checklist

What are the three things you want your ideal mate to have? Being in a relationship is hard work. You have to maintain a life of your own while incorporating this new person and all of their ways, likes, dislikes, habits and beliefs. If you have had your fair share of relationships you should know by now what you want your ideal mate to be like. Now I'm not talking about the typical "I want a tall, dark and handsome" or the "He must be kind and considerate" answers. I'm talking real life stuff. I think I'm pretty simple. 1. I would like a thinker. A man who is willing to sit and weigh the pros and the cons of a situation before diving in head first. I have been in relationships where the guy acts or reacts so abruptly that he surprises his damn self and that's a damn shame. You should know what you are capable of and you should know what result will come from the things that you do way before you do them. I can't take a man who will...