
Showing posts from August 12, 2012

Swim lessons

Something that has really been bothering me lately are the inconsiderate actions of men. I have come to realize that a man, when you first meet him, is really nonchalant. Down for whatever but not sweating nothing at the same time. That changes once you take the step into some kind of liking or once they realize that their like for you is not being reciprocated. Then they like you more, because you are a challenge, a mystery, something to look forward to. That all changes for the worse once they get you, once they have successfully switched the tables on you and begin to play for to the left so that you can chase them. This is where we mess up ladies! This is where we should continue to play field, if we for some reason had stopped because of this one. This is when you need to show rather than tell that "although you have my attention, so does a few other guys so pull back if you want and I just might be unattainable once you decide to come back." If we fail to implicate ...

The Struggle

I must get married before I turn 30. Maybe 35. Before I get old. I hate to see, hear, know of an older women dating. It does something to my insides... grosses me all the way out. I don't mean any intentional harm but it just can't be me. I was talking to a lady today. She has to be in her late 30's early 40's. She has seven children and she was telling me today how her "little friend" was complaining about her natural hair phase. Lady... nice lady by the way, but lady, why aren't you married? You're old now, dating is for the young people. I really, honestly feel this way and I do feel sorry for the widows and people of that nature because their position is not by choice but I doubt very seriously if they are in Grown Folks on Saturday nights looking for a new boo. Grown Folks is a real club by the way. I saw the ambulance in front of there last night. Somebody must have had a heart attack while trying to find them a new boyfriend. Sad case indeed....

Babies R Us

Keeping kids up late does not work. At least not for my kid or my Godkid. It is currently two hours past their bedtime and these fools dragging, eyes low to the ground but will not go to their beds for anything. And they gone be tapping on us in the morning... Bogus. I am thankful for one thing though, my baby girl sleeping through the night. True its been about two months now but the appreciation never gets old. I don't even mind if she wakes me up throughout the night looking for her paci. I am not the least bit mad because I know that when her lips hit that thing I'm already back in my bed and under the covers. Being a mommy has its ups and down but I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Written Rejuvenation

So in case you were wondering why the sudden bounty of blogs, I accepted a dreadful challenge from my home girl Veronica Hilbring to write 30 blogs in 30 days. Type in #30in30 on twitter and you will see that its a whole heap of us doing it or at least trying our very best to. Mine should be called "Two a days" because I stay missing a day and having to double up on the next day, but still I rise. Blog topics are not really a problem for me... yet. It is the fact that I have to write every single day. It's like a job, a job that I no longer have and quite honestly, a job that I no longer want. I already have a full time job as a mother so sneaking out of the bedroom at night to write to you guys is truly a task. But none the less, I am thankful for the written rejuvenation. Until tomorrow snitches.

Show some SIUC love

I began this week by sending out all of the emails in my draft folder. It held heart felt memories and many thanks to the teachers at Southern Illinois University Carbondale who have greatly impacted my life. I didn't want anything in return, just simply writing to let them know I learned, I remember and I appreciate. You should take a minute out of your busy schedule to do the same. It is so easy for us to criticize our institution of learning asking why didn't we have that big fancy library when we were there or trying to recall when in the hell we used a fraction since Mathematics 101. But when we realize that there were some lessons, some classes, some teachers that we couldn't have succeeded without, we should let them know. My top three are Dr. Jonathan Bean for his Business History class, Dr. Pamela Smoot for her African American History and Professor William Recktenwald, my teacher in many journalism classes, my adviser in The National Association of Black Jour...

Newsflash: Men cheat

Ok some of you will call me a fool, I'd like to think of myself as a realist. My father taught me at a young age that women live the fairy tale version of what their life truly is. Or at least they try to. Why won't you women wake up and smell the coffee beans? Newsflash: Men cheat. Update: Women cheat too. If you don't want to play tit for tat and become a cheater as well, there are three very important things that we must know and accept as women. Three. Very important. Here they are: 1. A man is going to do whatever the hell he wants to do If he planned on smashing Meagan before he met you, you can bet your bottom dollar he's still planning on smashing. Little do you know, you just helped him out. Women only want a man when someone else has or wants them too so Meagan is laying it on thick until she gets what she wants. Are you going to let him go that easily? 2. A man with money or status is going to do whatever the hell he wants to do He don't ...