
Showing posts from August 5, 2012

Casette tape diaries

Remember when we were younger? When we would find one of our mother's old casette tapes to record over with the whole A side full of WGCI just so that we could learn our favorite songs. We would rewind after ever couple of words so that we could write down the lyrics in our spiral notebook and study them all night. We would go to school the next day swaping out versions of what we each heard. I remember doing that process for three particular songs: We Can't Be Friends by Deborah Cox and R.L., All Cried Out by Allure featuring 112 and Hail Mary by 2PAC. Don't laugh, you know those were the jams. I can't help but think about the good times I had sitting in front of my radio, enjoying life. My only care in the world was getting these lyrics right and learning this song. That was until my momma came in yelling because I recorded over her Prince tape. Uh oh. The good old days.

Lost & still lost

Damn I hate misplacing important things. It doesn't happen often but when it does, it burns my soul.  Today I have misplaced my debit card. I have already called and looked online to see if there were any charges made and there has not been so I'm not really worried. But I am irritated. I'm tired of looking for it and I wish it would turn up already. Ugh. Don't you hate it too? I used to panic and stuff. I remember when I lost my card in college and as soon as I cancelled it, I found it. Then I had to wait several days for the new one to arrive. Headache. So anyway, if yall happen to see a worn out bank card with my name on it, please return it. You can buy yourself a pop or a bag of chips as a reward.

If I were on your favorite tv show...

If I were on Maury, today's show would be entitled: "The women who hold men down and the men who don't deserve it." I swear being a down ass chick gets you no where if the man doesn't love you. Now you're just down for no damn reason, struggling for air, with no one to pull you up. If I were on Love and Hip Hop of Atlanta, my character would be the random woman who slapped some sense into MiMi Faust. She really really needs it Lord. Let me help her, please. If I were on Top Chef, I would be the only "chef" using the microwave. Hey man, I'm just now learning how to do the cooking thing, give me a break. If I were on Jeopardy, I would play like I'm clicking the shit outta that buzzer then lie and say it didn't work. If I were on La La's Full Court Life I would have to tell Po that her wardrobe is a montronsity and if she ditched the rags she would look much more attractive. If I were on Bad Girls Club I would be sent home the...

5 things I just can't bring myself to do

5. Erase emails about God It's just not right man. You're going straight to hell, do not pass GO, do not collect $200. Point blank period. 4. Curse in front of an elder I am been in some positions where an elder has cursed me out and called me all types of names, kicked me out, called my momma to come get me, said they feel sorry for my baby for having a mother like me. And all I could do was think about how ignorant and miserable they must be to talk to someone like that. I could never stoop to such a low level, as BAD as I would want to curse them because my mother did not raise me like that. I respect all elders, whether they deserve my respect or not. 3. Go to the movies alone That is the most desperate thing a person can do. I don't give one shit about what the movie is and how bad I want to see it. If I can't get a baby sitter and find another loser to go with me I will waiting until that movie is on video. Sparkle for one? More power to the peo...


I have this friend. This really handsome, hard working, fun, generous and did I say handsome friend who I always thought was obsessed with being in a relationship. What's wrong with that you ask? What's wrong with me? That's what we want right ladies? That's who we dream of, right? The kind that is ready to settle down and be a family man, providing and protecting his own right? No. Actually, we don't. Not when we have just graduated college, moved to a big city, left a trying relationship and declared our self single and ready to mingle. Who wants to be tied down to anyone then?  We don't realize that we are ready to settle down with this kind of man until this kind of man is nowhere to be found. Now we're stuck with the good for nothing, faux pimp and player types that can't do nothing but buy you a stick of bubble gum and send you on your way... Oh, they all outta bubblicious? Well I'll be got damned. Now we are in searching in broad day...

Looking so crazy in love

Catching a glimpse of Single Ladies tonight made me laugh at the moment when the man said that he loved the woman but the woman didn't feel the same way. It's a sad case. Cue the Beyonce, "looking so crazy in love got me looking, got me looking so crazy in love." It's a hard place to be in. I've been in both positions. I don't have to tell you that you do not want to be the person saying it. But think about how the person receiving it feels. They are forced to either break the persons heart or lie to their face. Which would you rather be? Which would you choose?

Why a man needs his Grandfather around

I don't have any Grandparents. They are all deceased and have been since high school. When I am in the presence of other people's Grandparents I am in full student mode. They know so much and never have a problem with telling you what they know, how they were raised and how things should be. This is why men these days need their Grandfather's around. They need to know how to treat women. Hold the door, pull out the chair and most importantly, don't talk back because the woman is always right. Men these days don't realize that very important point, you can't win with a woman so bow out gracefully. These lames wanna go toe for toe, tit for tat. Come on now. Ask your Grandpa. Women always win.