
Showing posts from April 4, 2010

Shady Business

Okay I'm going to make a major generalization about people and their preferences and say "Light Skin people are more likely to be attracted to Dark skin people" and "'Dark skin people are more likely to be attracted to Light Skin people." I am what I like to call light brown, some like to call me caramel. So that means I can go either way with my preference but anybody that knows me knows I like a high yellow tender but funny I'm falling hard for these brown like me boys... anyway why is it that people care so much about the shade of their date or mate? If I can be so honest in saying I am only attracted to yellow men. If I see yellow skin from way yonder I will break my neck to see what his face looks like. And don't let him have colored eyes... (peep my boyfriend in the photo attached.) If I see a brown skin man I might scope him out if I see a dimple or something but a dark skin man could get no play from me unless his teeth are Colgate crisp and ...