I dream of fishies

Remember when your grandmother used to say she dreamt of fishes? Everyone would be looking around, eyebrows raised, waiting for a confession of pregnancy. Too bad I don't have any grandparents because if I did their bedrooms would be full time aquariums due to the abundance of fat girls surrounding me. And by fat girls I mean pregnant girls/women. I hate when people tell me that I am next just because all of my friends are knocked up. How rude of you to curse me like such? Don't you know that I have been latex tight since I heard word of my roomates' pregnancy. I mean I love my roommate but to each is definitely its own. I have an eight month old sister who I babysit weekly. I be sad, yet so relieved when she long gone... with her talking ass. Is it so wrong for me to want to be happily married before I reproduce? Why am I now the odd ball of the bunch because I am without child? When guys see me with my girls now, they are going to ask what's wrong with my uterus... p...