Has our luck ran out?
Have you noticed, that we don't find money just laying around on the ground anymore? We no longer receive fortune cookies with our Chinese food order. Where did you find the four-leaf clover, wish upon a shooting star, follow a rainbow to the end? I can't tell you the last time I seen a rabbit's foot hanging out of somebodies uncle's back Wrangler pocket. You know why? Cause luck is learned. It's the act of turning lemons into lemonade. It's the process of believing and accepting the unknown. Something most adults no longer know how to do because we are hard-wired to figure everything out. Especially if we are parents. Especially if we are single parents. We can't just jump out on a whim. That's crazy, right? What if we fail? How will we eat? It's hard to imagine finding clarity on the answer without quite knowing how to get to the answer. You may not even be able to clearly identify the problem. But knowing what you want is most important. The cl...