Oh Happy Day
My baby got her first shots today. Now we can travel. Praise the Good Lord. I thought it would be worse but it actually went pretty well other than the fact that the establishment was ran down and full of hot ghetto messes. The doctor and nurse was really nice and professional so because of those ladies and ONLY because of them, will I return to that hell hole of a doctors office. First of all when I placed the initial call the receptionist was rude! She spoke with a stank attitude and responded with a drag that only meant she was rolling her eyes at the same time. She then began to speak to the doctor next to her, while I was talking to her, without even saying hold on maam or pausing the freakin phone. How disgusting is that? She had very little patience with me, which is unacceptable for a person working in a darn children's clinic. But to top it off, she gives me the address and hangs up the phone without saying thank you, you're welcome, goodbye, feliz navidad... nothing. ...