5 Manly things that Women do better

5. Burp Have you ever heard a woman burp after a hearty meal? Like a real burp, not those prissy, in the mouth burps but a real live Homer Simpson rattle the lips burp. I have a friend... Randi Nance to be exact... who can burp a man under a rug. I know it's not attractive but it's cool and mildly entertaining. 4. Zone out when ESPN is on Oh man don't let the man she's with or trying to impress be on the way. She will zone everything out and focus so hard so that she can know the names, numbers and statistics of all the players (not just the cute ones). Nothing impresses a man more for a women to be into the stuff that he's into. Unlike the rest of us girls (raises hands) who could care less and could win the trophy for zoning out the opposite way when ESPN is on. 3. Cheat If you thought you were slick hunny, "wait till I show you this" (Ying Yang edited version of The Whisper Song). A women is better at cheating because face it, men don't care enough ...