Word on the street (because I'm outside trying to steal random Internet signals)
Oh Blog World how I've missed you so... I have been deprived of my free loading as I used to steal other people's Internet because I have a wireless connection but now it seems as if I can freeload from the comfort of my own home no longer, which in turn means there will be entry updates once a week from now on :( Anyway how have you been? I miss you all. There has definitely been a lot going on in my world and to that I say: things are always going good... until they go bad. So to sum up my two week hiatus I would like to snippet my experiences and I welcome your interpretation. Why and how do you think Judge's make so much money? Not because they are doing such a great justice to society putting the bad guys behind bars and not getting great pay from the ever appreciating government. Instead they are getting paid to scare us into saying "yes your honor" and making us take days off of work to come to court in the middle of the work week to plead guilty to a ...