In Thickness and in Health

One nice hot summer day, as you're minding your own business, sitting on the couch twiddling your braids between your fingers, listening to a little r&b, your favorite cousin calls to tell you that she is getting married next year and she would love for you to be her Maid of Honor. You hop up, yelling Congratulations, OMGee of course I will favorite cousin, I would do anything for you! Thank you so much for choosing me! Where do we start!? She calmly says, "I'm so glad to hear you say that favorite cousin, because in order to fit the dress I have in mind, you'll have to lose 40 pounds." The music seems to abruptly stop. Your smile slowly turns to a frown. You plop yo fat ass back down and what, might I ask, comes out of your mouth next? Lets consider the situation: this particular family member, this cousin whom you revere as a sister, whom you fully frontal bear hug and rock side to side with upon arrival and Color Purple slow hand clap when the two of yo...