The Lost Files: Never Settle
"If you can't have what you want, start wanting what you have."
That's a nice quote isn't it? Uplifting, reassuring? Well I don't completely agree with it.
How about "Never settle for less than you deserve."
Yeah I like that one a lot better primarily because this is your life and you should live it to the fullest. Never compromise.
I think that a lot of us are doomed from the beginning. If you're smart, you're a nerd. If you're dumb just pick up a basketball and snag us a scholarship. What we fail to tell our children is "that is not all you're good at."
One thing about shooting hoops to earn a scholarship is... (taps the glass ceiling) you might want to work on being a scholar as well. Most children will ditch classes to go to the gym and practice their jump shot. Stop leading these kids on, thinking they can substitute a ball for a book. Oh and don't be so quick to pull out your camera phone when lil ReRe is putting down her bottle to back it up in her saggy diaper. We told her to join the pom pom team instead of encouraging her to write for the school paper.
Believe me - I'm guilty too. I wanted my 20-year-old brother to be a ball player. He's is 6' for goodness sake, he has the talent but he doesn't have the passion nor patience for school. Needless to say he has taken a semester off to re-evaluate his game plan, we can't choose for them. And yeah I sing "dance too much booty in the pants" when my 11-month-old sister starts tapping her foot ... BUT I see my mistakes, I admit them and I'm ready to change. Change with me. Please?