Rotten Eggs

So I'm trying to get my daughter acquainted with her teddy bears and her dolly's but I think she doesn't like them because they don't respond to her. She is used to human interaction because I am always talking to her and since the age of eight weeks, she's been cooing and laughing back at me.

I sit her in her playpen with her fuzzy friends and it starts off good. She is talking and waving until those words turn into cries and waves into hand tantrums. When I walk over to pick her up she smiles and I could swear she says "later losers," but it could just be me.

As much as I would like a big family, I am now interested to see how my child would be if she were an only child. I know that it would be very beneficial to her in long run but right now I just can't see her doing well on her own. She can barely sit for two minutes without attention. She thinks that she is entitled to a peasant toting her around like a princess. Que her Daddy.


Anonymous said…
I know EXACTLY what you mean about attention seeking babies. Amari refuses to play alone and gets excited when his cousins come by. However, sometimes he gets tired of his older cousins touching his things so he calmly tells them to "Go!" and "Get out!" of his room which leads me to believe he will need a sibling lol! Its sounds to me like Mallory might be walking that path right about now lol! Let me help prepare as this will only get worse because I am sure you and I are alike when it comes to our children. I would be darn if I tell my baby to go sit down because I am "busy". Instead I stop what I'm doing and we read together since that's his favorite. Until he learns to read on his own I guess I'll continue to be a "sucka" as my family calls me and I'm sure you and her father will be called the same shortly lol! Good luck with chunky munky!
Thanks girl, I can just imagine Amari saying Get out lol. Who knows what my child will say when she finally get the chance to talk.

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