The Soundtrack of my Life vol. A, track 1

I would like to release my first album entitled "The Soundtrack of my Life." This is Volume A, Track 1, Enjoy.
"I'm sending him a four page letter and i enclosed it with a kiss"
The most important verse is that written by a woman in love. Length equates to passion on paper. The variation of the calligraphy, perfect print at first to be precise, turns into cursive to be convincing... flirtatious, finally capitals, emphasis, let's be clear.
"I was too shy so I decided to write"
I would write to all of my boys. ALL of them. As big as my mouth was, I found out that I could never talk as good as I could write. I would think of them as characters, my feelings the theme song and my words the script to which played to a "tee". I could persuade them to do whatever I asked because to me I was being mushy, writing love poems, to them I was sending lyrics, rapping, simply because I was rhyming.
"And when I write him he better get it on time"
Being a B.B. (Boss Bee...) I have always thought that things should go my way or the wrong way so when I write him, he better get it on time! OK!? Feelings may change, so time is detrimental. Getting this four page letter right now is do or die which is why I would hand deliver my notes. Freshman and sophomore year of high school we would do the front and backs on loose leaf pages, junior year it was a specific notebook and senior year it was on the computer screen. Whatever it took to make sure he got it on time.
Now enclose it with a kiss which could be your hancock: signed, could be the stamp: sealed, could be (lip) service that made it deliver.
Being a writer, being a lover of well written words and meaningful messages, I give my first track to Aaliyah, Four Page Letter. It personified a teenage aerialm.