What is it with men and passwords?

Truth. If you give a girl the password to your computer, your phone, your safe, your facebook... definitely your facebook; you better believe she's going to write that thang down (literally, mentally, in smoke signals) so she can check into it later.
Misconception. Just because we have the password does not mean we will use this information against you. If we have no reason to snoop, then we won't. Well maybe I shouldn't include myself in this conversation because I, at some point in time, snoop around but not your typical snoop and probably not where you think I should snoop. But if you have a good relationship with this girl, you trust her and trust that she wouldn't use this information to harm you, then why not give it to her... just this once?
A friend of mine emailed me. His email address appeared after the name of his ex girlfriend. I was taken aback. Stuck in a confused daze until he called. I don't even think I said hello. I said "why is Zerica's name on your email?" He laughed and said "remember I told you she hacked my emails? Well she put her name on it and I can't take it off. I've tried." I of course said "what's your password, I bet I can take it off."
I hate when women go overboard. There is one thing to hack into his account to snoop around, but to change his information. Smh. Petty. I was petty like that once... But I am a changed woman. I am a woman. Then, I guess I was a child... or maybe I was just hurt... I was in college.. go back and read My Secret and you will see what I was on when I used to do stuff like this.
Anyway I was able to change my friend's email address to say his name because he gave me the password to his email with no second thought. I asked with a purpose. I will never use it again. Even though it is easy and now engrained in my mind. I have no reason to use his password without his permission.
Ok, so next day I ask my hunny for the password to his computer so I can play this song. A song I could not get if I were to log in as a guest on his computer... which I usually log on under but this time I wanted to do something different. Password please... he smiled. No password. Smh. So he typed the password in, messed up the first time because I was looking. Smh. So now I am in the system. Whatever the password concealed is now available for me, which made me realize that it's not the material that is being held that's in question. It is the password. Allowing me to have something that is supposed to be a secret is against the rules.
Doesn't he know rules are meant to be broken? And I, my friend, will do the breaking.
I had actually forgot until about three or four months later when she caught me in a lie and claimed, "I have been hearing the woman's voice mail for the longest!"