
I hate the n-word.
There is no anger greater than me witnessing an adult argue me down about how n-i-g-g-a is different from n-i-g-g-e-r.
Don't waste your breath idiot.
I hate the n-word.
And to you, that can be any word that starts with the letter n.
I inform everyone I meet, as soon as they say the word, that I don't like it and would prefer if they didn't use it when talking to, about and around me. 99% of them oblige but you know there is always a 1% somewhere that can't or won't do right.
I bring this back up (I've spoke on this subject before: WORD OF THE DAY) because everyone around me loves The Boondocks and until one day last week, I had never watched a full episode because I can't tolerate their excessive use of the n-word.
I know, I know... that's the point of the show... a social satire of American culture and race relations but I don't care about any of that. I know how hearing the word makes me feel so I do not subject myself to ill feelings.
BUT one day while "my brother," "my boo," my roommates and I were hanging out, The Boondocks came on and they low key forced me to watch it. In the light hearted watching I was doing I noticed that they had not said the n-word all show. I was so proud. Maybe they felt me watching? So I went on twitter (where the die hard Boondocks fan live) and they were all tweeting about how whack the new season was.
LMAO is it because they didn't say the n-word you dweebs? SMH. We have to do better Black People.
That was my first and last time watching the show in it's entirety but I do appreciate my friends for making me watch and learn that Black folks search for coonery and if there are not people like me who put their foot down, there would be no sensible people left in the world. Shows are only as successful as it's viewers allow them to be and you Sir are an accessory to the crime if you continue to watch, laugh and tweet about words, actions, things that should outrage you.
Sure, live and laugh but was the n-word funny when it was chanted while hanging our great, great, great grandparents? So why is it it funny now? I'm right, it isn't.
MacGruder is saying n-i-g-g-a, as if to say, "Whaddddup dawg!"
You don't want to hear that ish, do you? Oh okay. Point well received.