We as Parents...

We as parents, especially as mothers, want so much for our children.
We want them to be good kids, to be great students, to be better than the others and more importantly better than us.
We try our best to give them everything that they ask for, way more than they need.
We work hard everyday to provide, protect and parent to the very best of our abilities.
But the best intentions usually equate to the worst children.
Once you give them everything, they start to expect everything to be given to them. They don't know the value of hard work or a hard earned dollar. They float through life like they are better than everyone else because they look better, dress better, speak better. Well until they get around their friends, the friends who you forbid them to hang with because of their appearance and reputation in the neighborhood. But that very group is who your "angel" is drawn to because of their dangerous and mysterious appeal. "The forbidden fruit." The golden child is now the rotten apple. Hanging with the wrong crowd and doing things you worked so hard to shield them from.
No matter how hard we try, how hard we love them, they will never be the picture perfect child we envision. Everyone is their own entity. Instead of shielding we should be showing, let them get a taste early and make sure its a bad taste so that they will never want to try it again. Let the child fall so that they know how to pick themselves up in case you are not around.
Let them live, let them grow, let them be.

A very observant and inexperienced mother of one and seasoned sister of eight 


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