5 things Compulsive Liars do

1) Lie about dumb shit, for no reason
They could have told the truth but don't want any ill feelings towards them so they lie even about something so small and unnessary because now it's a habit. They can't stop it like an addiction. A ball of mess twirling out of control. 

2) Never volunteer information
They might tell you... But only if you ask. I mean really though, who would think to ask if you are really telling the truth about something you're already supposed to be telling the truth about? It's a ridiculous situation but the liars feel so justified in neglecting the truth on the basis that they were never asked for it in the first place. 

3) Let you do most of the talking 
They don't want to incriminate themselves anymore than they already have. They will silence themselves to get their lie in order. You have to ask them a question to get an answer because as we just learned, volunteering is out of the question. 

4) Cut their phone off at night
This one is tricky. Cheaters usually put their phone on silent so you wont be woke up by the vibration but they keep it close, like under their pillow or in their pocket so that they can see when their other girls texts or calls. Liars, on the other hand, tend to cut their phones completely off. They don't want the other girl to call (because this isn't her day) they don't want any late night message mishaps, no snooping to occur, no lies to get caught up in. 

5) Don't admit that they ever lied or even worse don't admit that they are wrong
They talk about how stupid the argument is and how you are making a big deal out of something so small and petty. But enough small and petty lies will definitely add up. Nip it in the bud now, trust me. If a person can not admit that they are wrong after copious amount of evidence something is truly wrong with them. Even after being caught in the lie, if they try to justify why they lied and you start to doubt what the truth really is... you got you a real live problem on your hands. 


Don said…
3 is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

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