
When you're little, all you talk about is what you would do when you get older
When you're a teenager, you dream about what you would do when you're legal
When you're in your twenties you talk about all that you will accomplish and have once you're in your thirties.
When you make it to your thirties, you wish that for just one minute you can revert to a younger day, a day with less responsibilities, less worry, less work, less children (just for one day). When working out at 30 you wish that you can get the wind of your 20 year old self, the tight skin... but you can keep the wack men.
I hope that at 30 ladies, we have evolved from the type of men we let into our lives because time is dwindling down and if marriage isn't on the menu, switch restaurants, you feel me? But I digress.
Is this age all that you wanted and have waited?
When the former you has faded