I ♥.... (pronounced I heart)

I ♥ my new hair.
So I did it, I got a bun today! Yay me, I think it's a decent start but it's not that great so when I am more comfortable with it I can rock it a lot better but here is a dark picture of a side view. And its all mine... well except for the stuffing to make the bun of course but big ups to my hair for growing back.
I ♥ Tylenol Cool tablets, especially this week because work has been very hectic and my temples have been POUNDING and I have been taking deep breaths and long eye rolls. Try Tylenol Cool tablets when you get a chance, they have a sweet taste and it leaves a cool trail as it goes down your throat.
I ♥ Apple iChat.
With my boyfriend being in Chicago and me not, I get to see his beautiful face and his stylish apparel on my computer screen, that is whenever his lazy butt feels like sitting in his computer room and talking to me. I definitely recommend it for long distance relationships that is if you are fortunate to have Macs like us, lol.
Lastly I ♥ the thought of moving on with my life. In less than two months I will be in my new residence in a new state with a totally new attitude. I don't know where I will be but I will be somewhere and it will definitely be what's up!
u wear it well
in particular with the spectacles
its a good look folk
i've seen alot of professional females rockin' the bun. i like that look on my beautiful sistas. and i too cannot wait until i am @ a point where i can not only switch residences, but travel from state to state. for the record, i wish you the best.