Brain Busters friday

I have three serious questions.

Why do people always try to hook you up with their brother who don't got no teeth or their sister who got six kids and seven baby daddies?

Why do people sweat you for your number but don't offer to give you theirs? Then text you "hey, what's up' as if we've been friends for years and I have your number stored.

Why do people always volunteer applicants to you as if you own your own business and said you were looking for bullshit applicants. "Aye my cousin B-Moe need a job but he has a felony from '04."

Please, help me find the answers.
I need feedback. These are my brain busters for the day.


Veronica said…
My fault G, I was trying to help put some ppl on...Lol
Don said…
First off, the banner, oh em gee!, stop stop stop....LOL! WHy are you doing this, Aerial? LOLOL! I hope you know my sense of humor enough to know it's meant as a compliment. Now that I have gotten that out of the way....

Why do people always try to hook you up with their brother who don't got no teeth or their sister who got six kids and seven baby daddies? Tough one, here. To be honest, I cannot really say. LOL. They are not your friend, perhaps?

Why do people sweat you for your number but don't offer to give you theirs? Then text you "hey, what's up' as if we've been friends for years and I have your number stored. Oh. The banner pic answers this question - you are a rather intimidating breed. They probably become even more afraid once they realize that you have a brain, as well.

Why do people always volunteer applicants to you as if you own your own business and said you were looking for bullshit applicants. "Aye my cousin B-Moe need a job but he has a felony from '04." Cause people always believe or want others to believe they have the 'hook up.' Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.
lol @ V. Hilbring

Don: Thank you very much and yes I knew what all that foolishness meant before your explanation lol. Thank you, I doing a little remodeling. 1. I think they think I'm ugly on the inside or something, like I feel I'm not good enough for Trey Songz or Usher lol. If they really knew me they wouldn't have them folks get they feelings hurt coming round my way.

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