NO Dogs Allowed

It is so clear to me what it takes to snag any man...
All you have to do is stall them out and let them show their real colors, let the dogs dismiss themselves.
Or stall them out to make the real men fall in love with you.
Real women wait!
Because love takes time.
There is nothing to rush.
Think about it... how many people fall in love and marry the person that they had a spring fling or one night stand with?
When you give up the goods before the goods are due, you just signed your papers to a bad case of the blues. Especially if you called yourself liking them.
It's funny because when you like someone, you want to please them and give them whatever they want. You want to smother them and show them how much you like them. All this to the point of no return. You didn't even give them a chance to know and like you before you've ran them away. To put the cherry on top, you gave them the goods so they can come back when they need you but when they are gone, they are gone! You helped to create a dog, hyped his head up and gave him everything on a silver platter, now you're alone.
If you don't like someone but still want to be nice to them you keep them at a distance. You are still cordial and considerate of their feelings but you don't want them to think you like them. Those be the ones who fall in love because you are showing them the behind the scenes person that all men want to see. The real "this is how I am" not the fake "I'm gonna do whatever it takes to make you love me" type.
No man wants a puppet...
Real men don't want a puppet, they want a companion.
"A person who shares the experiences of another," "a partner, a friend, a confidante."
So reverse your playlist.
If you really like someone...
... don't sweat them. Tell them you might be interested if they act right and continue to live your life. Don't change, don't alter, don't conform. Just be you. They will appreciate that you don't stop breathing because they forgot to say breathe. They will say "damn she can live without me." Some will even say "damn she can live without me... how? What I am doing wrong?"
Then THEY will start sweating YOU!
Come on girls give yourself more credit even if it's more than you are due and I guarantee you can snag any man.
Just give it some...
Veronica- some people don't wanna grow up
Anonymous- thank you