The Big Age Difference

So how many of you all have been in a relationship where there was a major age difference? Was it better if you were younger or older than your partner? My mother always told me to get a man older than me so I could be taken care of, but I was never into older men.

There are many occasions where one would wish they had a young hot tender or maybe an old sugar daddy but living everyday like that... nothing that I would recommend to my worse enemy. You fight about the things the younger man does, the things they older man wears and always how they were raised, be them young or old.

After college I decided to do things a little different and listen to my mom for a change. I met a few older guys in the club and at work and I gave them a second of my time, allowing them to take me out to dinner but it was never more than that because I was simply not interested. I just did it to say I had done it. I hated being seen with an older man because I didn't want to look like I was using them for money or that I was being used for sex. So one date and I was frank about being a single date because I was too busy for a second or simply not being interested. But the thing about older men is... they never stop.

This one guy was so persistent it was disgusting. Sending flowers to my job, meeting me at the nail salon just to see me and even buying my girlfriends and I drinks with a $100 bill and making me keep the change. Come on old guy don't be that desperate. You're just begging to be used and I know a lot of girls who would love a relationship that like but I'm sorry, I'm not one of them. I will take my young hot tender with a minimum wage job and a beat up impala over an old crusty the crab sugar daddy any day.


MAJ25 said…
Hmmm majority of the guys I've dated is older than me but only by a couple of years. Really old men disgust me. I already look super young and I think there nasty so I dont even go out with them. I started dating someone that was 10 years older than me but I thought he was around my age cause he was like 3 years older than me. But we actually have alot in common and i like him. I never really date anyone younger than me.
Lisa said…
I always felt creepy when I was out with older guys. Like it looks like I'm with my dad. I SO AGREE about their persistence. I had a guy I used to work with that would NOT stop pursuing me. He was almost 50 when I was 25(older than my parents!) He would always through his fancy car or trips I could be going on in my face. I just left him to the gold diggers around the office who were more than happy to take his attention away from me!I think I choose younger guys because even though they can work your nerve like a child, they are fun!
TamaraM said…
Idk about that sissy pooh. My first actual boyfriend was my highschool crush and he was a senior and I a junior, he was a few months older. I then there was my second who was a year and one month and then jumped to 3 years and now I am with the love of my life and father of my child who is 8 years older then me...even thought he soooo doesn't look it! ;) He is one of the greatest, strongest, loving, most family oriented men I know and I when I'm with him the age thing isn't a factor, it never even comes up.

With younger boys/men would talk to me they ONLY want sex or just the rights to my pretty little face and I wasnt going. Back then boys were immature and even now at the age of 22 I would never date anyone my age or younger because men still treat me the same.

Different stokes for different folks.
Meagan the guy you are dating now is 10 years older?

Lisa I knew you would relate lol

Tamara you are the ONLY exception to my thought process. I'm happy for you too, Josh is a blessing.

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