The Magical Checklist

What are the three things you want your ideal mate to have?
Being in a relationship is hard work. You have to maintain a life of your own while incorporating this new person and all of their ways, likes, dislikes, habits and beliefs. If you have had your fair share of relationships you should know by now what you want your ideal mate to be like. Now I'm not talking about the typical "I want a tall, dark and handsome" or the "He must be kind and considerate" answers. I'm talking real life stuff. I think I'm pretty simple.
1. I would like a thinker.
A man who is willing to sit and weigh the pros and the cons of a situation before diving in head first. I have been in relationships where the guy acts or reacts so abruptly that he surprises his damn self and that's a damn shame. You should know what you are capable of and you should know what result will come from the things that you do way before you do them. I can't take a man who will get a fat check, blow it on impulse and be broke the next day. Guys you can blame my pappy for ruining this one for you.
2. I would like a man who is well balanced.
A man that will allow me to live a little and laugh a lot. There are very few people that are able to take vacation every month so a surprise destination every blue moon would be nice and a good laugh every day wouldn't hurt. Everything is not so serious all the time, one should be able to make light of something at least once a day. He should have a strong mind and a light heart.
3. I would like a true provider.
Women have so many jobs in a relationship but nothing is more manly than being a provider and protector. Just like Marlo said on the Real Housewives of Atlanta, "A man knows what a woman needs." You need to be able to take care of yourself as well as me, even if we are both able bodied. At some point I will want to stop being the independent woman and instead be the fairytale housewife but that's only if you are more than capable and happily willing to be the bread winner and provider.
My male best friend's magical checklist:
1. A woman who is ready to build a family.
2. A woman different from himself, who can expose him to new things
3. A chick who know how to be a woman: make sure dinner is cooked, needs are met
4. Someone all for me, someone who goes hard for her relationship
I believe that the best teacher is experience and once you are in a relationship with a person who is so wrong for you, you begin to realize that you hate certain things that you may have thought you could deal with. You come to know who you are and who you want to spend the rest of your life with. So what things do your magical checklist contain? At our age, it's something to really think about.