Dear People Next Door
Dear People Next Door,
No not neighbors, people next door. You all are so rude, loud and ghetto that I am sure the man you are renting the house out from will kick you out on the street where you belong. And clearly the fence that you were banging on that one day when my
child and I were trying to take a nap, did not work because instead of
keeping you negros inside it, those bad ass children of yours are always frollicking outside of it. All in our backyard cursing each other out. Who in the world knew a kid, who looks all of six years old could have a rotten mouth like that!?
But then again, her mother, who I have seen way more of than I need to, isn't the Saint that she could be. I heard her pot mouth only after seeing her hind parts as she exited the car one sunny day. Too bad her pants were a size two small otherwise if they were too big I am sure to have seen more than pay per view allows.
Please keep your domestic situations under control because my daughter and I can hear way more than we need to at 3am. Please keep your music down because I don't want to be in the living room watching tv unconsciously bobbing to the music you are playing in your kitchen! And last but certainly not least, please keep your ghetto ass off of this side of Old National because you're lowering the property value.

But then again, her mother, who I have seen way more of than I need to, isn't the Saint that she could be. I heard her pot mouth only after seeing her hind parts as she exited the car one sunny day. Too bad her pants were a size two small otherwise if they were too big I am sure to have seen more than pay per view allows.
Please keep your domestic situations under control because my daughter and I can hear way more than we need to at 3am. Please keep your music down because I don't want to be in the living room watching tv unconsciously bobbing to the music you are playing in your kitchen! And last but certainly not least, please keep your ghetto ass off of this side of Old National because you're lowering the property value.