7 things NOT to do while driving with me
1) DO NOT text and drive. I don't care if I always do it and if I almost run over the curb. You ain't me so just don't do it.
2) DON'T slam no damn doors. Especially if this car is in my name. Oh no... Point Blank Period.

3) DO NOT switch lanes without using your blinkers. First of all it's rude af, secondly it's mad dangerous. These people CAN NOT drive and if you can, you would be defensive and use your blinkers.
4) DON'T be honking your horn or mean mugging people because they can't drive. What does that really do for you? I was pregnant in New Orleans, in the car with my crazy baby daddy during a crazy driving traffic debacle where a finger pointing and cursing out the window session lead to a man pulling his gun out on us. I do not need to relieve that again. Just drive your dumb ass on and leave them where they are.
5) DO NOT cross two solid lines. That's simple, don't you know the rules of the road?
6) DON'T have your phone hooked up to the radio and be holding a full damn conversation for like 20 minutes making the rest of us ride in silence. Rude, okay, just plain rude.
7) DO NOT turn the station if you clearly see my jamming to this one. I don't care if you're the driver, let me jam man, this song will be over soon enough.
2) DON'T slam no damn doors. Especially if this car is in my name. Oh no... Point Blank Period.

3) DO NOT switch lanes without using your blinkers. First of all it's rude af, secondly it's mad dangerous. These people CAN NOT drive and if you can, you would be defensive and use your blinkers.
4) DON'T be honking your horn or mean mugging people because they can't drive. What does that really do for you? I was pregnant in New Orleans, in the car with my crazy baby daddy during a crazy driving traffic debacle where a finger pointing and cursing out the window session lead to a man pulling his gun out on us. I do not need to relieve that again. Just drive your dumb ass on and leave them where they are.
5) DO NOT cross two solid lines. That's simple, don't you know the rules of the road?
6) DON'T have your phone hooked up to the radio and be holding a full damn conversation for like 20 minutes making the rest of us ride in silence. Rude, okay, just plain rude.
7) DO NOT turn the station if you clearly see my jamming to this one. I don't care if you're the driver, let me jam man, this song will be over soon enough.