Day 2: Operation Swimsuit

Day 2 - Wednesday May 19, 2010
Woke up and did 225 crunches and 25 push ups. Take a shower, get ready for work. Had to take my friend to Walmart before work. There was a McDonalds in the Walmart. I really enjoy McDonalds and I was hungry. I ordered a plain biscuit, grape jelly. Ate that, drank my bottled water and was very content until lunch time. We were busy at work so I asked my supervisor to come to Olive Garden and eat healthy with me (on an extended lunch (on the clock)). We had soup, salad and breadsticks. I had a raspberry lemonade and a really great filling meal. Took a little doggy bowl of soup home for dinner. After I burnt my tounge and before I went to bed I did 250 crunches. Good day! I later found out that it was a bad day because I ate too many breads and bread is not a good idea on a "diet"... well now I know.
If you eat at Pappadeux and Long Star, then I'ma need you to give me back my taste buds.
For you to be on a diet, you sure a re eating GOOD.
Mad props on the amount of stomach crunches and riding the clock.