Unconditional Love

When it's blood
My natural hair is all frizzed up.
My pores all open.
My mind racing.
Heart pounding.
It's either you or me.
Now or never.
All in?

Then you fail.

Second chance. You back at it.
This time harder than before
Or maybe you're softer.
Its wearing you thin. This love.
Giving up is way easier than trying.
You push only so they can pull.
Cry only so they can wipe your tears.
Do it all over, every time...
So they can hurt you again.

Unconditional love.


Don said…
Being honest, in the unconditional love that I've experienced, I wouldn't have it any other way.

The heart is resilient, it withstands everything I believe.
Everything... I don't know. Wear and tear can weaken the little heart.

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