My claim to fame

So it's this reality t.v. show called Big Brother that I have never seen or hardly ever heard of until word got around that my buddy Parker would be on it. So of course I called my two closest girlfriends (who also know Parker) and we proceeded to watch the show together through text messages, while one is in Georgia, the other is in Chicago and I am in Carbondale. 

Now I love me some reality t.v. and I also love seeing people act a fool so I knew that CBS was in for a big surprise when Parker showed his... you know what, because he is one plum fool! So we are just texting back and forth, commenting on what's happening and then I noticed something about all of us. 

When you know someONE and they blow up-even a mini bubble gum blow up, they all of sudden become... someBODY. Now me and my girls are nosey so we do have that as a common interest but in our very own way, we are interested in the show because of Parker and his relevance in our lives just tootsie rolled right up to the top. 

His claim to fame is this reality t.v. show, he is currently the most confrontational person in the house so he may become another Amarosa, and she is still getting air time for her stint on The Apprentice. Because everybody wants to be famous... everybody. So what will be my claim to fame? Oooowee I can't wait for people to be jocking me just like I'm jocking Parker... all of you tube searching for clips of him acting a fool, telling all the white people Yo Momma jokes (he is the only Black in the house), and using every curse words he's ever learned. 

It's entertaining, true... but are we only hired to be "the token Black?" Always the person with the big mouth full of bad words, the "A hole" with the attitude, the know nothing nappy head... the ratings raker. Do we really have to do all that just for our five seconds of fame? America, whatever happens to be my claim to fame... whenever I do get there, remind me not to become "the token Black." 


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