5 Breakup Rules

I've had a few relationships in my life and if you haven't figured out from that statement alone, I've had a few break ups as well. Now I am in no way an expert at relationships (because if I were I would be married right now), but I am a journalist and a I have a male best friend so I'm pretty well informed. Well enough to ensure you that there are five sure fire breakup rules and if you don't stick to them you may not only loose your man, but your sanity as well.
DON'T SEEM PITIFUL, even if you are dying inside, singing love songs, kissing old photographs of him, digging for his clothes just to bury your nose in, keep that between you and those clothes. Try not to answer his calls on the first vibrate and definitely don't blow up his line either. The less contact the better, never let him see you sweat. Never let anyone see you sweat for that matter.
KEEP UP A GOOD FRONT. Those nosey neighbors don't need to see you throwing his clothes out of the upstairs window. Keep your business to yourself! And don't go crying your eyes out to your best friend who happens to be his little sisters, cheer leading coach's daughter older sister. That is just a recipe for disaster, girlfriends and grapevines = gossip so keep your cries on the inside and let the outsiders stay out! But trust me, you must
CRY IT OUT. But only in the confines of your own home. Keep your composure while in the public but give yourself a good week of long no Kleenex bawling to let it all out. It is a form of purging the old so that you will have a space available for the new. Because once that week is over baby girl, you must let him go. But letting him go does not mean you need a replacement just yet
GIVE YOURSELF SOME YOU TIME. Just because Mr. Right made a left turn doesn't mean you need a Mr. Right Now. Take this time to be a slob and lounge around in your pajamas. Do some yoga and tune into your inner self. Take up a hobby or just get some much needed rest after all that crying! You never knew you could feel so good being single but guess what... You can and you will as long as you
DON'T GO RUNNING BACK at the drop of a dime. Sure that week apart has made you stronger which usually means that it has made him weaker but just look at the progress you've made. Be very rational in your decision making. Maybe you do want to be back with him but do it on your own time and with your own rules. Make this a new and improved relationship, not an extension of the last so that this will never happen again.