9 types of Women that Men just can't stand
This post took no survey at all. We as women should know what turns men on and what turns them off. This is my perception. I am merely a girl... with a pen and a thought. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
9 types of Women that Men just can't stand (in order of importance)
9. Natural Nancy
Hi my name is Natural Nancy. I am the used to be ghetto girl with the side pony all of 27 inches who just decided to go natural because everyone else is doing it. It looks so cute on them so why not try it?

8. Narcissistic Nancy
Hey! Oh don't act like you don't know who I am. You was all up in my grill just five minutes ago.
Narcissistic Nancy. Yes. We know you well. You're the pretty looking girl with the nasty insides. Who wants to be around someone so arrogant and rude? Even worse, who would want to be in a relationship with someone like you? Always in the mirror, blowing kisses at yourself. Can you give your man a little attention? Hello... are you even listening to me...?
7. No nonsense Nancy
Hi, my name is No nonsense Nancy and I ride or die... for my girls.
Who in the world wants someone who is down for their trifling, no good, lazy, lying, mooching girlfriends but not for their man? I mean how could they be down for him when their always over Stephanie's house watching her bay bay kids or when their at Applebees with KeKe rubbing her back as she cries her heart out? Yo man would like his back rubbed or even an order of steak and shrimp from Applebees. You don't take no crap from nobody and you're always telling people how they should live their lives.You don't even see the strain that it's causing to your own relationship.
6. Negative Nancy
You don't need to know my name. You might try to steal my identity.
Negative Nancy, everybody is not out to do YOU harm. You don't have to be so negative all the time. When I ask you if you're ready to go you don't have to take that as I am being rude, rushing you out the door. When I ask if you are getting sleepy, you don't have to take that as I am rushing you off the phone to talk to someone else. Your negative thoughts and responses only show how insecure you really are. No man wants to be with someone who never sees the glass as half full, always a drop near empty and you didn't even like the drink so now you causing a scene asking to speak with the manager. Smh.
5. Know it all Nancy
You want me to say my name don't you? I knew it. I'm Know it all Nancy and guess what... blah blah blah.
Shut the front door! Ugh. You know too much. Why must you talk so much about things we don't care about? No one likes a smarty pants. You always got a reply, you always got a question, you always bumping your gums about something. I hope you keep a purse full of mints the way your tongue moving. Women who argue you down about the most irrelevant of things have no life. They sit in front of the computer googling everything, watching Jeopardy and playing taboo with themselves. If you knew it ALL you would know that sometimes men just want to be right. So just smile, say "yes baby you're right" and shut up about it.
4. Negro Nancy
Sup? I'm Negro Nancy and I beez in the trap be beez in the trap.
As much as men like to think they like a good hood girl with a colorful sleeve and a mean gym shoe game, reality is, you can't take that broad no where but the Hood Mart. (Note: Hood Mart is a real place in College Park/Riverdale Ga.). I say Negro because I don't use the N word but you should know what I mean when I say these women are only for special occasions. They are not girlfriend material and will not help you advance in life... unless you need someone to take the fall for your drug charge.
3. Naive Nancy
Hello my name is Naive Nancy, my social security number is 123456789-10. You won't do anything with it will you?
SMH. How can you be so dumb? Naive Nancy is bad for your skin man. She must have blonde roots underneath because Black people are not this stupid. Being naive can get you killed where I'm from. You need to be aware of what is going on around you, trust no one and don't let a thing slide by. Women who are naive usually become parents at a young age, get things stolen from them and often have this confused look planted on their faces. These women you have to steer clear from, they might get you robbed.
2. Never have I ever Nancy
Never have I ever had to introduce myself like I'm at an AA meeting.
Meet Never have I ever Nancy. She is a total prude. Don't let you do nothing without telling you that she has never done it. Won't open her mind to anything out of her comfort zone because she has never done it before. Ain't gone let you attempt to try something new because, you guessed it, she has never done it.This relationship is going no where fast.
1. Nagging Nancy
I don't see why you need to know my name anyway. What you need to do is get your teeth fixed. Do you know where my sister is because she was supposed to pick me up at 8 o'clock and it is 8:05 and she knoooows (insert head roll) that I do not want to be here.
Nagging Nancy. No wonder why your sister is coming to get you and not your man. Yo' nagging tail can't keep a man around because you always yapping in his ear about nothing. No body wants a woman who can find something out of nothing to talk, whine or complain about. Life is too short, so stop analyzing and criticizing and live it. Or else wait for your sister to pick you up and drop you off to your wooden shoe where your little cat children are waiting for you to return.